Institute of Informatics I-32
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland tel. +48 71-320-3516, fax. +48 71-321-1018 sekretariat.ii@pwr.wroc.pl Location: Skwer Idaszewskiego 1 (D2 building)
Director of the Institute of Informatics
Zbigniew Huzar, Prof., D.Sc., Ph.D. tel. +48 71-320-3431, +48 71-320-3516 fax: +48 71-321-1018
Associate Director for Education
Leszek Borzemski, D.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of WUT tel. +48 71-320-2599
Associate Director for Development
Kazimierz Choroś, Ph.D. tel. +48 71-320-3799, +48 71-320-2397
Associate Director for Scientific Research
Krzysztof Juszczyszyn, Ph.D. tel. +48 71-320-2380
Head of Administration
Jan Gawor, M.Sc. tel. +48 71-320-2121
Division Coordinator of ERASMUS programme, Director Representative for Foreign Students
Jan Kwiatkowski, Ph.D. tel. +48 71-320-3602, fax.+48 71-321-1018
Director Representative for Student Internships
Andrzej Siemiński, Ph.D. tel. +48 71-320-3799, fax.+48 71-320-3453